Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Week 56 in Thailand, 09 Nov 2014

This week we worked sooo hard but like always, when our efforts fell short, God sent us some miracles.  Yah!  Faith!

So Monday we went on an excursion to the dinosaur town of Thailand.  Not as cool as Utah but definitely an adventure.
Thursday was the Lantern Festival in Thailand.  For FHE, the ward took us to go celebrate.  I have been waiting to send off a lantern since last year and relive my Tangled dreams!!!!

Saturday, I went to my first Thai wedding for a member named Joy.  Thai weddings consist of a lot of food (good thing I love eating) and are really
Hi-So. #grewupwithweddingsinchurchgyms.

My comments of the week:  Be believing, do your part,  be committed and pray.  Expect trials of your Faith but expect the Lord to act.   Sunday was a miracle day.  We had five investigators at church and got two new investigators!  For a missionary, that’s better than Christmas and the best part was, it was all the work of the Lord!

Love you all!

Sister Marina A. Peterson

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