Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Week 8, a week late.

Next week is transfer week for my mission so we’re all getting anxious.  This is the first time I’ve realized I'm not always going to get to see my investigators get baptized or even  be teaching them.  L  But I know that where the Lord wants me to go is where I need to be!  And I need to trust that everything will work out for the best.

Having said that, this week has been really a good week.   Our investigator, Daa, is getting baptized!  She had her interview on Saturday and she's Phrawm (ready).  It been so awesome to see her testimony spark and grow!  Since I've already started I’m just going to recount this week backwards.  LOL

So, Saturday we taught our investigator family with the Branch President (Prataan) and his wife.  They are so awesome!  It was Sister Keg's (Prataan’s wife) birthday even and they helped us!  Then they took us out to lunch.  Their so loving and their testimonies are inspiring.  They helped me remember that there is no better way to spend your day than serving others!  Also, Sister Keg gave us fried bananas...which I've never had before...and I may possibly be addicted to them.  LOL They were amazing and I’ve had them everyday since, which means two other times so I will get back to you on the addiction status.

Thursday was also amazing because we got a new investigator!  Her name is Pim and She’s a sassy Thai lady who's awesome!  We met her contacting on Wednesday, which is was really random because we were out looking for a dress shop so we could get a baptism dress made for our investigator.  We found a shop in the middle of no where but we decided to go contacting first.  We found a talaad (market) and just started contacting.  There, we didn't really have success there but Pim was the last person we talked to on our way back to the dress shop!  I've had a lot of experiences like this. When we have the faith to be obedient, Heavenly Father blesses us!

Last story but probably the funniest, as a preface, I’m just going to netnaam (introduce) Thai Culture.  Everyone talks about being fat here. The first thing people greet you with is oh you look fatter than last time or skinnier. Old grandmas come up to you in grocery stores and grab the fat on your arms and start talking about it, etc.  Anyways, everyone hates it but everyone does it.  LOL  So on Tuesday, we were teaching our investigator-family and we were reading in the Book of Mormon and started talking about how God loves all of his children. The Dad, Bay, starts talking about how we’re always changing but God is the same.  He loves us. Then Sister Gung (who's heavier by Thai standards) turns put her arms on my companions and my legs and says, yeah and he love all sizes too. LOL So rang maag (ouch!)  It was really funny! A lot of things Thai people say would be offensive in English but they’re just funny in Thai. Well, at least they understand God's never changing love! Only in Thailand.  J 

Love, Sister Peterson


Painting at the river on P-Day.

Week email.

We didn't get an email this last week...

So, I am posting a portion of a letter to my parent.  It is an amazing letter and everyone will wish they were in Thailand.

1 Dec 2013

Hi Grandma and Grandpa,
Well it will probably be Christmas by the time you get this letter.  I hope your holidays have been enjoyable.

Today was Fast and Testimony Meeting.  I still can’t really understand much of what people say but I can pick out words here and there and some phrases.  I am constantly trying to string them together so church can be exhausting mentally but I always feel strengthened and uplifted from the spirit afterwards.  I wouldn’t survive the week without that.

…In your letter you asked about the animals here.  Well, there are so many dogs in Thailand, but they aren’t cute, they look diseased and some of them actually do have leprosy and look like they are falling apart.  We always joke that they are zombies…
Ok readers, it is at this point where Marina’s pen makes a jerky, thunder-bolt type of mark on the page.  Here is why:

Sorry about the mark, I just saw a spider by my desk, roughly the size of my hand…my companion and I just screamed and the other Sister (Native Thai) had to come in and killed it.  J

Anyways, they have cats also.  In fact we have, like 10 that live outside our house but they’re not as creepy as the dogs.  …I would say the animals I see most often are lizards:  small or large.  They’re everywhere, even in our house.  L  I’ve yet to see a horse but I’ve seen an elephant!  Just walking down the street  J  (My editorial:  Bet you won’t see that in France, Evan) 

They don’t have cows here so beef is rare and more expensive, except at McDonalds.  Pork, Chicken, Fish, Squid, Shrimp are always available, also frog, but I’ve yet to try it.  LOL

Love you!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

"You don't have to post this, but..."

One thing about being on my mission and in Thailand is, I have finally kicked my nail biting habit.

I couldn't resist positing this.  I think it is a big deal!  Look how beautiful her hand is!

Week 7 in Thailand

Hello everybody! Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
My district celebrated by going out for pizza at lunch which is sad in comparison to the traditional feast, but this has by far been the best Thanksgiving Holiday of my life!  Our branch had a Thanksgiving party on Wednesday.  My companion and I made a Pumpkin Pie and we had two investigators come which was so awesome!  
I would definitely say the crowning moment was on Thursday when our investigator Daa bore her testimony about Heavenly Father answering her prayers during our lesson.  She is so amazing and prepared for this gospel.  The more Sister Mullen and I teach her the more I realize that the Lord prepare people to receive his gospel and that as missionaries, we are basically just traffic directors showing people where they can find it.
So at our training meeting in Chang Mai last week really focused on the Book of Mormon and how it’s the keystone of our religion, jing jing (literally).  As my companion and I have been helping our investigators start reading and understanding the Book of Mormon and how it can bless their lives, I've seen their testimonies blossom.  Which brings me to the most exciting news of the week, we had three investigators at church yesterday!  My companion and I have been praying for a family to teach for a while and a couple weeks ago we began teaching Sister Guung and her family and yesterday they came to church for the first time!  They are such a sweet family!  They live really far away its like a forty five minute bike ride but I always really look forward to teaching them!  As we've focused on the Book of Mormon with their family I've realized how important this book is to the world and how important it is in my own life.

The Book of Mormon teaches me daily and every time I read it, I learn so much about everything but especially how much my Father in Heaven loves me.  As I read the Book of Mormon in Thai, I obviously understand less of what its saying but I understand more and more the power that comes from studying from it.  The last big change in my life this week was receiving our missionary reflector vests.  J  At first glance I may have not been excited to wear them but I now realize they are actually really cool, safe, and get people to notice us when we ride our bikes!  So, Mom and Dad, you don't have to worry about me biking anymore.  J 

Well Everyone, have a great week and I Love and miss you all!

My question: Weather

Were you effected by the Philippine storms?

NO.  We didn't get effected at all.  I am in the middle of a hot, humid oven and didn't feel a thing.

From the Mission President

Note from Thailand Bangkok Mission President
You may have noticed that Bangkok Thailand is in the news.  There has been some civil disobedience and protesting at several government buildings.
These demonstrations are very localized in the Bangkok area. Most of the missionaries are nowhere near these locations. Missionaries have been
instructed to not go near any of these locations and to stay away from any large gatherings.
Your Missionaries are safe. We will continue to monitor the situation.
President Senior
Thailand Bangkok Mission President