Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Week 44 in Thailand. 18 Aug 2014

Well we spent last P-day at the Bangkok Art in Paradise where you can take 3D pictures.  It was really fun.  Not sure it was experiencing Thai culture...but it was cultural, none the less.   :-)


The second most cultural thing I did this week was make Tom Yum soup.  First time cooking Thai food without the help of a member!  Our Mission President has recently requested we start making meals at home twice a week so we can learn to make Thai food...and probably to help us lessen the constant intake of MSG we've all been experiencing from delicious street food.  :-)  It turned out good.  I think Sister Beam (the RC who taught me) would be proud.  LOL   It was my attempt at holding on to Thai culture while I’m serving in an English speaking Ward and teach every nationality except, Thai.  :-)
This week was really good.  We had a amazing lesson with one of our investigators Joyce.  She is from Burma and we've really been trying to answer all of her questions and help her understand more fully about the Savior.  She is so wonderful and inspiring.  She always makes us smile, because some times, she relates what were teaching to stories from the New Testament...but she's only reading them in Burmese and she doesn't always know how to explain it, so she acts them out for us.  She is so cute!  I love her!

With Joyce and some of the other people we teach, deciphering their questions is sometimes the hardest part.   LOL.   First, because were talking about deep things and it’s hard to phrase them.  Second, because English isn't their first language usually.  I feel like God is giving me the gift of discernment and is guiding us always! 

This week I went to three dinner appointment...which was so weird.  It was like being the missionary like I grew up picturing…but nothing like what I've been experiencing in Thailand so far.  Members made food for us often but it was mostly like a really casual sit on the floor, with everyone from the ward who was also invited.  I'm getting the best of both worlds!  But I love this ward and I love everyone that I've met. Can't wait to meet more people and be strengthened by their testimonies!

Well more stories later! Love you all.

Sister Marina A. Peterson


Thursday, August 14, 2014

Week 43 in Thailand. 10 Aug 2014

This week was transfers and sadly I moved out of Bangkapi. However, it was expected and I had a really good 5 months there.  I'm now serving in the Bangkok International Ward which is insanely different from everything I've experiences in the last year!  

Yes, I'm hitting my year mark this week.  Ahhh! What happened??  Really? This transfer meeting started some serious reflecting on my experience as a missionary.  My Trainer went home this transfer and I suddenly realized I’m older (in mission time) than she was when she trained me and now she’s going home!!!!  It’s all happening so fast but it’s also been one of the best times of my life.  I know I always say this but I've grown soooo much, both spiritually and in maturity. Hopefully you'll all see it when I come back. :-) 

So my new companion is Sister Ng.  For clarification, she is not Thai she is Chinese and from New York.  She's so amazing and I'm learning a lot about confidence, and "winging it" from her.  Were serving in the international ward now which means were teaching foreigners in English.  It's kind of been nice that she looks Thai because I think it stops some unhappy foreigners from waa-ing (chewing) us out when we invite them to church.   :-)   But my few days in this ward has really increased my testimony and shown me how much this gospel can change people's lives and more importantly, how grateful I am to have the freedom to worship the Loving God that has never let me down.  A lot of the people in our ward are refugees and their testimonies have already changed my life so much!

One more story!  Prayer and tender-mercies (1 Ne 1:20) are soooo real and powerful.  Three things I prayed for in this week of change:  move to a 4 missionary house, feel confident in my ability to serve where God puts me, and serve around wonderful people.  All of these were superficial things and didn't really matter in the grand scheme of things to anyone but me.  Because my Father in Heaven loves me they mattered to him.  So I’m living in a 4 Sister area, reunited with Sister Jackson (from P-lok) and being inspired daily by those serving with me.  I feel confident that this area will have challenges but with Heavenly help I can find joy in working and growing.

Tender mercies, in there truest form.  I know that Prayer is powerful and that God hears and answers our prayers. He doesn't always give us what we want but he gives us what we need to grow.

Well that's all I got for this week but I love you all and hope your week is soooo amazing!

Love Sister Marina A. Peterson




Lice:  Did you get lice as well?

     No I didn't get it.  Thank heavens.  I used the shampoo, just incase, but I'm lice free!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Week 42 in Thailand. 3 August 2014

This week was awesome!  We had zone training which gave much needed direction for our district.  It focused on our personal study and how that can make or break our day. Before I was a missionary, I don't think I fully understood how to effectively study the scriptures and the words of the prophets. Now I can say, after being out for almost a year, meaningful daily personal study has taught me so much about my relation ship with God, how to use the atonement of Jesus Christ in my life, and how to improve myself daily. Never again will I quickly read a chapter from the scriptures before going to sleep...inevitably forgetting or not understanding anything.  I would like to invite everyone to feast upon the words of Christ. Think of your questions and search diligently for answers. They are always there!

This training really helped us as we taught our RC's (Recent Converts) and our new investigator Sister Noi.  We were studying a lot this week about receiving revelation for our investigators and Rc's, and how to teach with the Holy Ghost.  I've been praying a lot for direction in how to help strengthen my RC's. This week I was blessed with many experience where my companion and I felt we need to share something which our Rc's and phor dii waa.  They were exactly things they needed to hear. I love the people I teach but I know that with out the help of the spirit, I can't really help them. I'm so grateful to have the knowledge that we have a Heavenly Father who speaks to us and guides us daily.
This Friday our ward had a service project.  We went to the Thai equivalent of a nursing home and brought food and prepared meals for the residence there.  Then, because we have several musicians in our ward, we put on a show that ended up being taped and put on the Thai PBS channel.  :-)   Whoo We’re Famous!  :-)  Our Bishop here is a rocker and we have a few families that are performers as well.  It was really fun to hear old Thai music as well as the 50's and 60's songs from America that the residence recognized.  All in all, we had fun serving, once a gain, I found myself on a stage being handed a microphone and not knowing what to say.   #onlyinthailand   Lucky for me, this time it was being broadcasted on TV.  :-)   My favorite part was probably dancing with some khon thai grandmas and just generally seeing people feel loved and cared for.  #missmygrandparentsmaaaaag



Well I love you all and I hope you have a wonderful week!

 Sister Marina A. Peterson

Dragon Fruit.  YUMM

My Khuu (Companion)

Me and Sister Nadia

Monday, August 11, 2014

Week 41 in Thailand. 27 July 2014

Hello Everybody!

Sorry this letter will be short but this week has been great!  It started off with me reading the Book of Job in the Old Testament.  This has been a small part of my personal study for most of the week, and as we say in Thai:  pau dii waa (as fate would have it). This week kind of felt like a “Job” week.

Everything just kind of started falling apart for me and my companion, as far as the work goes.  And much like Job, we were in shock after falling from our state of constantly receiving blessings.  We had moments of wondering what we were doing wrong and questioning why things were happening the way they were.  But, also like Job, we found our answers.

1.  There is always something we need to improve on (I.e. we are never obedient or righteous enough).

2.  God is greater than Man and it’s his purpose to refine us into wise eternal beings.

3.  But I would say the biggest blessing we received was learning how to use the Atonement of Christ.

In Elder Bednars Conference talk, last April, he shared this reminder with us.  Not only does the Atonement of Jesus Christ overcome the effects of the Fall of Adam and make possible the remission of our individual sins and transgressions, but His Atonement also enables us to do good and become better in ways that stretch far beyond our mortal capacities. Most of us know that when we do things wrong and need help to overcome the effects of sin in our lives, the Savior has made it possible for us to become clean through His redeeming power.  But do we also understand that the Atonement is for faithful men and women who are obedient, worthy, and conscientious and who are striving to become better and serve more faithfully?  I wonder if we fail to fully acknowledge this strengthening aspect of the Atonement in our lives and mistakenly believe we must carry our load all alone—through sheer grit, willpower, and discipline and with our obviously limited capacities.

I can truly say that this week, my companion and I learned to rely on the atonement to not only wash away our mistakes become more obedient but to find joy in the work, and receive the strength to carry the load that was placed upon us. I know that through the atonement we can endure all things, and become stronger people.  I know that the loads we are asked to carry will build us.  I know that we through the gospel we can find Joy even when things don' t go our way.  As we except the Lords will in our life and the agency of others we will find peace daily.  Here is to a week of receiving blessings and learning daily.   

I love you all and here is a selfie I took with a member!

Love Sister Marina A. Peterson

Week 40 in Thailand. 20 July 2014

Well, this week for P-day we went tiawing (sight seeing) with the members.  So many photos and so much fun!  The members here are definitely my family away from home.  :-)

We really wanted to work on finding investigators and getting people to church this week.  Most of this week consisted of finding and inviting.  The Sister Training Leaders came and helped us on contact also, which was really fun and helpful.  Saturday we were blessed to meet a new investigator named Bank.  He came to church this week and we’re really excited to get to teach him. He's already super sanit (close) with the members, which is awesome.  In fact, the first day we met him we talked with him about baptism he said he wanted to be baptized and then he went out for ice cream with a few members who were at the church.  As members of the church we are one big family and it makes me so happy to experience that.

Thursday was my Birthday! It was mostly sooo awesome because we got to eat Vietnamese food and gin suki gan (eat suki together) with some of our Rc's and other members.  Also, the Sister training leaders came and contacted with us so we got a lot accomplished!  Then... celebrated by eating cheese cake.  LOL  Yes I know that all of this revolves around missionary work and food, but that just mean I’m a true Thai missionary... as all Thai people talk about is food and its the staple of every celebration or gathering and all missionaries talk about is the work of salvation.  :-)  

Well everyone, I hope you have a great week and I love you all!  Thank you for the video! Everyone it made my day!!!  Also Katie...remember when we were here (refer to pictures)…like a lifetime ago? LOL so many stairs! 


Eating dessert with the Sister Training Leaders

Buying meat for suki at the talaad  LOL   With Sister Beam.


Sunday, August 10, 2014

Week 39 in Thailand. 13 July 2014

Okay, month 11.  This is getting scary...as in, what happened to the 9 months since I left the MTC.  LOL
ไม่รู้เหมือนกัน (I don't know)

Well highlights of what happened this week:

Monday, our RC Sister, Sister Beam taught us how to make Som Tam and Tom Yum, perhaps my two favorite Thai dishes.  I can officially say I'm on my way to becoming a master Thai Chef.... ish Lol.

My investigator, Jake, got legally married to his wife so he could be baptized!  We taught his son, Bia, everything this week so he could be baptized with his dad.  It was a really awesome experience. They interviewed on Friday and Sunday they were baptized.  Jake was Golden!  He was so willing to keep the commandment.  He quit smoking, got married, and even started paying tithing before he got baptized because he wanted the blessings.  He's a really great example to me and for everyone, what it means to be obedient.  And Obedience is the predecessor to every blessing!  I've seen the blessings he and his family have received from following the commandments and so has he and that is the best part of being a missionary.

On Thursday we had a switch-off with the Sister Training Leaders.  I ended up staying in Bangkapi and worked with Sister Crockett, who is a super cute and hard working missionary!  I learned a lot about being bold in teaching and leaving your fears behind!  Faith is the antidote to any fear!  We taught a new investigator together whose name is Somchai.  He seems golden and full of questions, so we'll see where he goes but I'm really excited to teach him!

Side note:  we found out my companion had lice this week.... spent a few hours with sister beam picking out eggs and lice from her hair.  She's our mom away from home! #joysofservinginthailand  LOL  Don't worry mom, I'm still lice free!  For now…LOL.

Love you all,

Sister Marina A. Peterson

On a switch off with Sister Crockett, we went to Krispy Kreme for the first time! .... in Thailand.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Week 38 in Thailand. 6 July 2014

Well I didn't have time to write last week.  Sorry family!  We had some teaching appointments but A LOT has happened, so here we go!

Well, last week for my final P-day with Sister Stevenson, we went to…drum roll...IKEA!  We ate Swedish food, took pictures, and celebrated Sister Stevenson birthday by buying a ton of Swedish treats!  It was like home away from home... in Sweden or Draper...LOL.

We ended p-day by having FHE at our RC's house. Her name is Sister Oh and it was also her birthday, and her one year anniversary of being baptized!   So it was definitely a day of celebrating!

Then came the day of transfers.  Sister Stevenson moved to Khon Khaen and I got a new companion:  Sister Barton.  She came to Bangkapi!  She is my first companion from Utah.  :-)  She is finishing her mission in 3 months, so she will probably die here.  We made a goal, right off the bat, to make this a good transfer; working hard, preparing people to meet God.  :-)  

With this goal in mind, we've had a week and a half of serious contacting, because we needed to refill our investigator pool.  I feel like this has been a week of learning patience...or rather how I lack it.  But I've learned that when we have faith, everything will work out. It's usually in the Lord’s timing, but It all works out.  So in patience trying moments, we need not feel frustrated, angry, or anxious; just trust that our Father in Heaven will take care of us and help us find success.

I'm happy to say that we've got some pretty great people we are teaching!  The Lord prepares people and as missionaries we have the opportunity to find and teach them!  So awesome!  I love Bangkapi sooo much so I'm glad I get to stay and continue to work with the ward members!

Speaking of which, this week we had the opportunity to send off one of our lovely members to the MTC Philippines.  Her name is Sister Eve and I'm soo excited to serve with her (she is serving in the TBM).  She loves the Lord, knows the gospel, and is really faithful. We are all really excited for her! 

The rainy season is pretty much in full force now and for the first time in my life, I have to carry an umbrella with me all the time.  LOL  It’s funny because you can always tell when it’s going to rain here because the temperature suddenly becomes blazing hot, then a few hours later it pours, cools down a bit, then the cycle repeats.  On the bright side, rainy season means it’s Rambutan, Mangosteen, and lychee season!!!!  Which are now three of my favorite fruits.... sadly we don't really get these in Utah...so I have to eat as much as possible now!  :-)

Well everyone, I hope you had a good fourth of July and remember how lucky we are for the freedom we have!  Have a great week and love every-moment of it!!!  (Mosiah 23: 21-22)

Sister Marina A. Peterson

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Letter from the Thailand Mission 30 June 2014

From: Thailand Bangkok Mission
Sent: Monday, June 30, 2014 4:51 PM
Dear Parents of missionaries:
The Thailand Bangkok Mission is now on a six week transfer schedule rather than a nine week transfer schedule.  This has changed some missionaries Release dates.  We wanted to let you know when your son or daughter will be released with this new schedule.
The following missionaries will be released to return home on 6 March 2015.

Sister Barber
Elder Calderon
Sister Carter
Sister Duangthipphavong
Sister Ellis
Sister Her
Elder Martin
Sister Maughan
Sister Jamie Peterson
Sister Marina Peterson
Sister Sawangwong
Elder Thanawat
Elder Wahl
Thank you for the service of these fine young men and women.
Sister Meeker, Office

Week 37 in Thailand. 29 June 2014

No blog written but here are some replies to my letter and pictures sent.  Enjoy!
Here is a picture of me and Ploy.

The giant songtaw that our bishop rented to take members without a car...which is like 80% of the members, to our new meeting house!  So fun!

My letter and reply:

I got your Father's Day card thank you. I hope the translation was what was said below.  I'm going to compare it to Grandpa's to see if you said the same stuff.

:-) Just practicing my Thai skills :-)  

I can't wait to meet Ally.  I'm grateful for her!  She keeps me up to date on you!  She sent me a picture of your new companion.  

Ally is…so awesome.  Everyone here has a really long, hard to say Thai, name and hers is like Alllyicidfoff or  something like that.  Her nick name is Boat...(people like to name their kids after random English words.   :-)  So we just call her Sister Boat.  She's the one we went ice skating with. She just got baptized in January.

So tell us all about her (Your new companion)?  Where is she from?  How long has she serves?  How long does she have left?  Do you like her as well as the others?

My new companion is Sister Barton.  She is from Bountiful, Utah and is ending her mission in about three months.  I’m not "killing" her but she is probably going to die in Bangkapi. (Some missionary lingo for you LOL)

It looks like you have some new clothes.  Where did you get such a pretty blouse and skirt?  They're both pretty.  They look good on you.

I'm not sure which picture you talking about but I got some new shirts from Sister Stevenson before she moved.  Unless you talking about the ones that you and grandma gave me.  :-)

Me and my trainer, who goes home in August :-(

Week 36 in Thailand. 22 June 2014

Letter To: Dad:

Things are going great.  We had four investigator at church yesterday which was a miracle because we moved church buildings and it’s like an hour away.  So we were worried, but we were blessed to meet prepared people!  

Politics... are okay.  I think they don't really affect me so I never really know what’s going on.  But we have a member in the army and he's free to go to church on Sunday's again so I think all is well. 

Today is Sister Stevenson’s birthday so were going to celebrate... to the extent that missionaries can.  LOL. Transfers are on Thursday and we will find out tonight or tomorrow who is moving.  You and mom are going to go through withdrawals if I get transferred because I don't know any other ward that documents the life of the missionaries as well.  LOL  How is Logan?

It’s P-day!  I'm really tired because we had a wonderfully busy week.   :-)

Monday I got to meet up with Ploy (the exchange student I went to High School with and visited 2 years ago) which was really awesome!  Even though we technically live in the same city it took her an hour travel time and almost two hours for Sister Stevenson and I to meet up at a middle location.  But everything finally worked and I was really happy about it!

Tuesday was, interesting, because they've started construction on our Church already and it was our first time teaching English Class in construction conditions.  LOL  We only really have one room for everybody so we had to combine all three Classes and still try to make it a quality lesson for everyone.  Everything worked out well and we did the best we could.  I'm English leader in our district which has been fun, but mostly a really big growing experience. But such is the life of a Missionary.  ;-)

Wednesday we just hit the pavement and worked.  Taught, contacted, sweated, and sweated some more.  :-)  We were definitely rewarded for our efforts and obedience in that we met some really good potential investigators and had great lessons with our RC's!  (Side note: Facebook is a blessing to missionary work!!!!)

Thursday & Saturday- was chaos we were all over the place teaching and contacting that we ran out of time to plan or do anything really. It was so great!

Friday was just as busy and chaotic.  We had a dinner appointment with a couple of members  and one of the Elder’s investigators.  I'd never really met this member but she called us and said she missed us and wanted to eat dinner with us.  Sister Stevenson and I met up with two of the Elders and a couple other people by a lake of open sewer water and I had my first picnic in Thailand.  One of the Elders in from Laos and every time the wind kicked up and we got some sea-spray action, he would use one of the twelve English word he knows: NASTY!  #Ilovethailand

Like always, the Best Day of the week was Sunday.  We'd been praying and praying that we would find investigators all week and that they would want to go to church, an hour away, in the middle of rainy season!  Our Ward has officially moved to a neighboring Church building for the next few months while our church is under construction.  When we first knew this was going to happen, we were a little discouraged.  The more my คุ่ and I thought about it, we realized it wouldn’t be an issue for people truly prepared by God.  

Faith is Faith, no matter the circumstances.  I know that Heavenly Father answers our prayers.  Not just occasionally but always.  We had four investigators at church on Sunday, which is more than we've had in the last few weeks.  I know that when we are obedient, God will bless us.  I know that this church is true and that everyone can receive this knowledge through the simple act of praying with faith.  I know that no matter what our problems are, if we humble ourselves and ask him for help he will always be there!

I love you all!  Have a great, awesome, week!

Sister Marina A. Peterson

Second Email:

Me and Sister Stevenson, with the bishop and his daughter, Princess...yes that is literally her name.  :-)   But she's not a brat, so it's cute.

My companion and I goofing off in our matching elephant scarves and our genie pants.  :-)


People that I love.  The little kid, his name is Earth and he's probably the funniest /chubbiest kid I know.  LOL  I just love him!!!!! 

Thanks Grandma for the pretty blouse.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Week 35 in Thailand. 15 June 2014

Well this week we moved out of our church building, temporarily (for 2-3 months).  We still teach people there but church services will be held in a different area's chapel.  It’s weird to go the church and see all the construction work being done.  But I know it’s definitely needed because the heat is pretty unbearable.  LOL  Most the time it’s cooler outside.  LOL.

We were definitely blessed this week, in our teaching skills, because I feel like both Book of Mormon class and English class went really good.  Right now we don't really have any investigators but I feel like we were really able to help a lot of our recent converts this week, as well as other members in the ward.  When you’re about your Heavenly Father’s work, you will always find fulfillment, joy, and success!

The biggest event of the week was Stake Conference! Living in a country with only one stake has helped me understand and appreciate the organization of Christ's Church so much more.  The members, Missionaries, and Leaders have been working really hard, using a lot of faith, praying daily for the blessings of a temple here in Thailand and yesterday we definitely saw the fruits of our labors.  The second stake in Thailand was created.  I feel the Lord preparing the people here and hastening his work.  I know as Members and missionaries increase our efforts to work together, The Saints in Thailand and all of South East Asia, will have their prayers answered.  

I love this work. I know this is Christ’s Restored Church on the earth today.  I know that Temples are where we can be closest to Our Heavenly Father and be sealed with our Families for all Eternity. I'm so grateful for them.

Love to all,

Sister Marina A. Peterson

Going to Asoke on the khlong monster...a boat that operates on Thailand’s open sewage system, or most would know it better as a RIVER.  Smells...pretty bad!  You have to hold tarps up to prevent from being sprayed on with sewer water...but it’s got an element of fun and adventure.  LOL

Happy Fathers Day from Bangkapi