Thursday, August 14, 2014

Week 43 in Thailand. 10 Aug 2014

This week was transfers and sadly I moved out of Bangkapi. However, it was expected and I had a really good 5 months there.  I'm now serving in the Bangkok International Ward which is insanely different from everything I've experiences in the last year!  

Yes, I'm hitting my year mark this week.  Ahhh! What happened??  Really? This transfer meeting started some serious reflecting on my experience as a missionary.  My Trainer went home this transfer and I suddenly realized I’m older (in mission time) than she was when she trained me and now she’s going home!!!!  It’s all happening so fast but it’s also been one of the best times of my life.  I know I always say this but I've grown soooo much, both spiritually and in maturity. Hopefully you'll all see it when I come back. :-) 

So my new companion is Sister Ng.  For clarification, she is not Thai she is Chinese and from New York.  She's so amazing and I'm learning a lot about confidence, and "winging it" from her.  Were serving in the international ward now which means were teaching foreigners in English.  It's kind of been nice that she looks Thai because I think it stops some unhappy foreigners from waa-ing (chewing) us out when we invite them to church.   :-)   But my few days in this ward has really increased my testimony and shown me how much this gospel can change people's lives and more importantly, how grateful I am to have the freedom to worship the Loving God that has never let me down.  A lot of the people in our ward are refugees and their testimonies have already changed my life so much!

One more story!  Prayer and tender-mercies (1 Ne 1:20) are soooo real and powerful.  Three things I prayed for in this week of change:  move to a 4 missionary house, feel confident in my ability to serve where God puts me, and serve around wonderful people.  All of these were superficial things and didn't really matter in the grand scheme of things to anyone but me.  Because my Father in Heaven loves me they mattered to him.  So I’m living in a 4 Sister area, reunited with Sister Jackson (from P-lok) and being inspired daily by those serving with me.  I feel confident that this area will have challenges but with Heavenly help I can find joy in working and growing.

Tender mercies, in there truest form.  I know that Prayer is powerful and that God hears and answers our prayers. He doesn't always give us what we want but he gives us what we need to grow.

Well that's all I got for this week but I love you all and hope your week is soooo amazing!

Love Sister Marina A. Peterson




Lice:  Did you get lice as well?

     No I didn't get it.  Thank heavens.  I used the shampoo, just incase, but I'm lice free!

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