Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Week 32 in Thailand, 25 May 2014

Well for a short time this week my mission became a non-proselyting mission due to the Royal Thai Army declaring Marshall-law.  For those who don't know what that means (like me) the army takes over the government in time of crisis or political unrest... yeah try understanding someone explaining that in Thai... impossible LOL   :-)
Anyways, this caused us to rely heavily on the Lord to help us accomplish our goal and continue the hastening of the work in Thailand.  I want to bear my testimony to you all, that the Lord doesn't need missionaries to accomplish his work but I’m more grateful than ever for the opportunity to contact in miserable heat for hours everyday to be apart of it. Regardless of the rejection, sunburns, and what ever else I sometimes complain about!  Despite being confined to our house or the church for three plus days and our curfew now being eight pm we still had investigators at church, spiritual experiences, and the biggest event of all Our investigator Sue got baptized! 
Sue is fifteen and the most adorable person I've ever met.  Her two older sisters are recent converts and were baptized in November of last year...their Parents didn't approve but eventually their testimony was so strong that they decided to get baptized anyway. The biggest miracle of this week was that their mother opened her heart and let her younger sister get baptized.  We've only been teaching her for a month but this was always the big concern.  Heavenly Father can and will work miracles for his children!


Everything is pretty much back to normal as far as missionary work starting today and I'm confident this week will be even better than the last! Well I hope you all have a good week! I miss and Love you all!

Sister Marina A. Peterson


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