Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Week 18, Valentine's Day in Thailand

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Not to be cheesy...but this week was definitely filled with Love! Don't worry, not romantic, LOL but love of, and from, my Savior and love for everyone that I'm serving, being served by, and serving with!

This week we had a Valentine’s party for Mutual, which was so fun!  We played games, met new people, and a lot of investigators came!!!  To role with the Love theme, this Saturday we had the first ever, musical fireside in my branch! The theme: Raw Ben Luug Kaung Phraphuubenjaw (We are children and God) and He loves us! Us missionaries were in charge of it and to be honest, it was stressful to plan and carry out, but I've never felt the spirit so much and the members really loved it.

One thing I've definitely learned from being in Thailand is to just do all that I can, but recognize when I need to step back, trust in the Lord, and just let what’s going to happen, happen.  Five minutes before our program started, everything was falling apart but then five minutes into it, nothing mattered and everything worked out.  There will always be something to learn from and improve on, in our lives but nothing is ever going to be as perfect as we want it. This life is a time to learn and grow and part of that is facing adversity, and learning to trust in our Savior's timing and plan. This is how we improve our self daily!

Well, transfers are this week and I don't really know what will happen.  Either Sister Mullen or I will probably be moving.  Change is bitter sweet but definitely fosters growth.  So here is to another week of growing improving and becoming more like the Savior!

Love Sister Peterson

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