Sunday, March 16, 2014

Week 15 in Thailand (Jan 26 2014)

This week was a blurr.  I've probably mentioned this before but time as a missionary is weird.  This week being an example how the week just flew by, but at the same time it felt like one big long busy day.  But this really long day ended on the perfect note because we had three baptisms in my area this week!

Two of our investigators, Goong and Bae were baptized!  Goong is the investigator that I talked about God loving all sizes.  They are the cutest couple in the world and the highlight of my week was definitely hearing their testimonies.  We've been teaching this couple for a few months and I'm so happy I got be a part of their conversion.

The other weird thing about being a missionary is knowing that you have to work hard at learning the language and improving you teaching skills to help people convert.  When you think about the people you teach and their testimonies, you’re like, I contributed nothing to that.  I was all the spirit.  That’s the beauty of missionary work, it’s the Lords work and He just lets you be a part of it. 

I can (and have) literally walked up to people and say, “do you know what baptism is?  It’s…(insert what ever explanation I can say in Thai) and ask, do you want this?  The Lord prepares people to say yes…then learn with us and then change their entire lives…then get baptized.  They are happy to do it because they feel the love of their Savior and the blessings these changes bring to their lives and their families.

This leads me to the other investigator who got baptized this week.  His name is Gapp and he’s pretty much the coolest 18 year you'll ever meet!  cing cing.  The other sisters in my area were teaching him currently but he's been an investigator for two years.  So many missionaries were bursting this joy when he finally got baptized this weekend!  He didn't have parent permission to become Christian, but despite that set back, he has been the most diligent pseudo member of the Church since the missionaries began teaching him.  He was pretty much beaming at his confirmation on Sunday and when he bore his testimony after his baptism, the spirit was so strong...which means I was definitely getting teary eyed. He's been such a good example to me my entire time here in P-lok.

This week was difficult in terms of missionary work but the baptismal service definitely reminded me why I’m here, why I don't mind "long days", Thailand heat, or being tired.  It’s because I know this church is true, I know that it can bless people’s lives, and I know that I have a Heavenly Father who loves me and I love him.  I hope everyone has a wonderful week and I love you all!
Sister Marina A. Peterson

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