Monday, March 17, 2014

Week 17, All Creatures, Great and Small.

Six months.  Whoa!  How did that happen???  Mai najai (not sure)?  Anyways, I'm calling this week, The Week of All Creatures, Great and Small.”

It all started on Wednesday.  We left the little ran ahaan (restaurant, kind of) that we ate lunch at and started to embark on our day.  It was my companions turn to decide where to go inviting, so I was just following her, when all of a sudden, a Spider crawled up from some unknown place on my bike onto my handlebar.  I was silently freaking out (due to my giant fear of spiders, especially in Thailand), trying to watch my companion and simultaneously watching the spider move back and forth between my hands, and the traffic all around me.  Yes I was too scared to flick it of with my hand.  When we finally stopped, the trauma was over.  I got of my bike and killed the spider with my shoe.

We locked up our bikes and before we even walked 10 feet, a pigeon swooped down and hit me in the head, tokjai ตกใจ. 

I’m not sure but I think Marina just swore in Thai.  LOL

It scared me so bad, LOL, but despite that It was a great Wednesday.

We had mutual activity which a lot of investigators came to! Yea!  We split everyone into three groups and had them make pictures of Book of Mormon stories by means of finger painting.  :)  Everyone here is freakishly artistic and they turned out so awesome!  On the other hand no one here has ever finger painted and they thought we were crazy when we first mentioned it.  LOL 

Thursday night We found out we have bats in our ceiling.  I've had nightmares, where I come home and a ceiling tile is removed in the bedroom and I can actually see the various creatures living up there.  Wake UP!

This week it became a sort of reality when part of the ceiling in the front room started falling down.  LOL  Luckily the bats and unnamed creatures are securely out of sight but I’m probably going to have various ceiling falling dreams this week.  LOL 

My last run in with nature was with a bee, so not too traumatic.  On Saturday we were in a songtaw, on our way to visit an recent convert and some less active members that live an hour outside of town.  As we were driving, a bee going the opposite way collided with my forehead and stung me…I still  have a giant red bump on my forehead.  LOL  But despite the bee sting, Saturday was an amazing day.

Before heading off on our adventure, Sister Mullen and I went and visited our RC Goong, who is so amazing and to top it all off, her son Guud, moved in with her.  He is 15 and interested in the gospel! (p.s. he came to church on Sunday!)  Then we went to visit Sister Noi who was baptized in June. She lives far away, so we haven’t been able to see her out side of Church since I got here.  All four Sisters and Sister Nancy made the trip!  So glad we did.  Her testimony definitely gave us a boost and then helping her (she’s like 50 plus) cut down coconuts from her coconut tree was an added bonus we got to experience!

Cutting down coconut trees!

Living the Thai life!  LOL  Well More next week!  

Love Sister Peterson 

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