Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Week five at the MTC!  Only three more to go!

This week has been crazy busy.  We are now playing investigators for other missionaries speaking Thai, so we’re teaching or being taught everyday now.  It's been such a good experience, because you get used to hearing your teachers speak Thai, but when you hear new people, it’s like starting from scratch.  You understand nothing. 

On Monday, Sister Maughan and I taught our progressing investigator Samaad.  We spent three days preparing for his lesson, learning new words for it, and practicing teaching each-other.  When Monday finally came, we went in there and our lesson went in a completely different direction.  At first, I was panicking, but then I could literally feel the spirit throwing phrases into my head.  It was the same for Sister Maughan.  By the end of our lesson, I invited Samaad to be baptized.  This was amazing, seeing how I had been trying to remember the baptismal invitation for our other "investigator" and I hadn't been able to say it all the way through, once before our unplanned lesson with Samaad.  Samaad and his wife both committed to baptism, which is so exciting for us! (Even though they are only pretend investigators.) 

As my MTC departure date is getting closer, I've been doubting my abilities.  This lesson really confirmed my testimony that it is not about me.  If I prepare and I'm obedient, the spirit will guide me, speak through me, and convert!

Speaking of leaving in three weeks, our teacher introduced a game to us, in order to get us speaking Thai more.  It's called “Pirate.”  In Thai, one of us gets picked and we have to speak 100 percent Thai for that day.  At the end of the day, we vote on who we think the “Pirate” is.  Meanwhile, the rest of us are all speaking as much Thai as possible so people think we are the “Pirate” and vote for us.  Sounds weird, but it's effective.  LOL Anyways, Tuesday was our first day basically speaking 100% Thai.  I learned that I have a extremely limited vocabulary in Thai, which is hard for me because I really like to talk.  J  What started out as a fun game quickly became my most challenging day at the MTC.  However, I was extremely happy when everyone in my district thought I was the “Pirate” even though I wasn’t. 

I am so excited for choir practice, just to sing in pasaa angrid (English).  Thankfully the game doesn't re-start till after our p-day is done so I get a break!  As challenging as speaking Thai all day, it’s extremely helpful.  By the end of the day I could tell a difference in my fluency and the fluency of my district.  My teachers were probably just happy we didn’t talk as much during class as we have in the past.  LOL.

Love Sister Peterson

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