Sunday, September 14, 2014

Week 47 in Thailand. 7 September 2014

September is here and we are in the rainiest part of rainy season.  Thankful to be serving in Bangkok aka the concrete jungle, where there are minimal places to get wet…at least from above because flooding is sometimes an issue here. (but not too bad)  I've official used my umbrella this week more than on my entire mission.   :-)   Okay, that is a slight exaggeration but I can honestly say that I’ve used it the most in this transfer.   LOL   But the rain is not hindering the work and I have definitely worked a lot this week! 

P-day I took the other sisters on a tour of some famous places in Bangkok. (it was my third time touring the area and you pick up a lot of facts and information when you go with Khon Thai's)  It was a nice break and got us prepped to work hard this week.

Tuesday, because I’m serving in International, I now teach a Thai class, which has been really fun.  We started the lessons over, so basics such as alphabet, and introducing your self.  :-)  It’s been really fun and has helped me remember my greenie days when I couldn't speak or understand anyone and anything.  I've come along way and I honestly don't remember when I started being able to understand and communicate really fluently but I know that it’s definitely been a blessing from God to be able to learn this language.  And I will luckily have the rest of my life to perfect it.   :-)

This week I also had a switch off with our Sister Training Leader, which was fun. I got to work with Sister Ferrence again, she is such a good missionary and very in tuned with the spirit.  She not afraid to be bold, which is something I'm trying to learn.  We had some good lessons with our investigator Sandra who is so awesome and we finished the night off with an adventure of trying to teach a new investigator from Taiwan, who really only speaks Mandarin... which neither of us speak.  LOL 

We must of gotten something across because after that stressful lesson he came back the next day and we had one of the elders who is from Taiwan come up and help us teach.  Let’s just say that lesson went better and also inspired me to learn Mandarin.  :-) Anyways, this investigator, Yen, is really cool.  He's a tour guide here in Thailand and is sincerely searching for truth.   He's done his research about our church and I'm excited for him to get an answer for himself and know what I know, that this church is true that our Father in Heaven loves us and speaks to us today. What a wonderful blessing.

We ended our week with a serious adventure story. We went to teach our investigator Beth at her house...which went really well.  We went with a sweet member from the Philippines, her name is Mendy, and getting there wasn't a problem, because we just took a taxi but in making our way back, we realized how far out in the boonies she lived.  LOL  There weren't any taxi's to go back (due to the late hour), so we began one of those faith-journeys, down a sketchy street in Thailand.

Praying for a miracle so we wouldn't scare Mendy from helping missionaries in the future, LOL and after we had zig-zagged the street, avoiding dogs, for like 20 minutes, our prayers were answered as this Harry Potter-like-bus appeared out of nowhere and stopped and told us to get on....(which sounds sketchy now that I’m typing it out. LOL) but it wasn't.  The driver and the ticket taker lady were the only ones on the bus and immediately they started telling us reasons why we shouldn't be out walking at night...and after 10 minutes of struggling to listen to really fast Thai, they helped us figure out a plan to get back to the city.  After a bus ride, a ferry, a taxi, and a MRT ride, we were home.  You don't get many adventures like that in the made me miss my days in my greenie area.
Well that pretty much sums up my week and I love you all!  Have a great second week of September!

Sister Marina A. Peterson

1 comment:

  1. I just saw Marina in this video! I wanted to share in case you hadn't seen it.
    ~Kari Houldridge (Rachel's mom)
