Monday, November 11, 2013

Week 4 in Thailand...Three months have gone by fast!

Best week EVER!

This week was so awesome!  First off, on P-day my district went to “Suko-thai,” which I loved!  It was nice to recharge for the week!  Then, Tuesday was English class!  I love teaching English.  My students are so amazing!  We’re currently planning a Thanksgiving Day activity for the English students and my advanced class is going to put on a short skit of the First Thanksgiving.  It’s going to be so fun!  
At the end of English, one of the missionaries gives a spiritual thought.  This week it was about our bodies being temples and the plan of salvation.  So many people asked for pamphlets and made appointments with us.  It was amazing.  It helped me remember that everyone has the light of Christ and when were teaching the Doctrine of Christ it’s so familiar to them.
This week for “district inviting,” we decided to get complicated and set up a Tree of Life - Iron Rod activity that kids could do while we invited their parents to read the Book of Mormon.  We made rice-crispy treats (except with cornflakes) in the shape of fruit and hung them from a tree.  Then we tied a rope between two trees and had people follow the "rod" to the fruit.  J  It was really fun but the treats were really hard to make because Thailand doesn't have marshmallows and rice-crispies are really expensive here.  In the end, it all worked out and most importantly we got a new investigator from the activity!!!!!  What really made this week awesome was she came to church on Sunday!
Miracles Happen!  I've studying a lot this week about keeping the Sabbath Day Holy and attending church.  As a missionary, when members, investigators, and whoever are at church, it makes my day because we go to Church to take the Sacrament and strengthen our resolve against temptation and receive support from members.  Church is always the best part of my week! 
Love to everyone, Sister Marina Peterson



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