Wednesday, November 20, 2013

One month mark! (Week 5 in Thailand)

I've been in Thailand for more than one month now, which is so crazy!  Time definitely moves differently when your a missionary.  This week has been a week of trying new things and not knowing before hand how they will work out!  So basically, it’s been a week of trusting in the Lord! and I can't say with a complete testimony that he will never let you down!

I've been struggling with inviting people (inviting:  where we go out and talk to a lot of people and invite them to learn with us.)  My language, though improving, is not up to conversation level, as I still have a hard time understanding people.  So I was feeling ineffective and unhelpful to my companion but the Lord knows what we need.  On Wednesday our Zone leaders came and trained us on the new method of “inviting” we are adopting here in Thailand. It’s actually really simple.  We just ask people if they are interested in being baptized and explain a bit about it.  I love it and it’s inspired.  As my district has been using this new method for the past week, my testimony that the Lord prepares people for our message has grown so much.  He truly is Hastening his work! 

Also we got a new investigator this week.  Her name is Daa and she's so awesome!  She loves studying the Book of Mormon and I can see her personal testimony of it growing every time we meet.  She has a date to get baptized and I'm so excited for her!

Which brings me to the highlight of my week:  We've had several members help us teach lessons this week and I've have never been so spiritually uplifted, as I felt this week listening to there personal testimonies of Christ and I know that our investigators felt it too!  Members can make such a difference and when we work with them it makes me so happy!

Sister Pink (Member) and Sister Peterson

This week in Thailand was a holiday called Leey Gatan (I don’t actually know how to write it in English?) but for the last four days people have been sending off floating lanterns and little boats with candles, around the river to let go of their goals of the past and start a fresh year.  I can't help but relate it to the atonement and feel grateful for the opportunity I have to repent and take the sacrament every week.  Anyways yesterday was the last day so, unfortunately, I won't be riding around looking at a beautiful scene from the movie Tangled anymore.  L  It was fun while it lasted! 

Hope everyone has a wonderful week,

Love Sister Peterson

My Kitchen and ice cream sandwich.
Look close, it is on bread.  LOL

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