Monday, January 20, 2014

Week Ten, week nine overview...I am catching up!

Week 9-10, 15 December 2013

Next week is transfer week for my mission so we’re all getting anxious…

This is the first time I’ve realized I'm not always going to get to see my investigators get baptized or always be teaching them.   :(    But I know that where the Lord wants me to go is where I need to be!  And I need to trust that everything will work out for the best. Having said that this week has been really good.

Our investigator, Daa, is getting baptized!  She had her interview on Saturday and she's Phrawm (ready).  It’s been so awesome to see her testimony spark and grow!  Since I've already started I’m just going to recount this week backwards.  LOL

So, on Saturday we taught our investigator family with the Branch President (Prataan) and his wife.  They are so awesome!  It was Sister Keg's (Prataan’s wife) birthday, and they even helped us!  

After teaching, they took us out to lunch.  They’re so loving and their testimonies are inspiring.  They helped me remember that there is no better way to spend your day than serving others!  Also, Sister Keg gave us fried bananas...which I've never had before... and I may possibly be addicted to!  LOL  They were amazing and I’ve had them everyday since, which really means two other times, so I'll get back to you on the addiction status. Okay?!

Thursday was also amazing because we got a new investigator!  Her name is Pim and she’s a sassy Thai lady who's awesome!  We met her contacting on Wednesday which is was really random because we were out looking for a dress shop so we could get a baptism dress made for our investigator.  We found a shop in the middle of nowhere, but we decided to go contacting first.

We found a talaad (market) and just started contacting there.  We didn't really have success there but Pim was the last person we talked to on our way back to the dress shop!  I've had a lot of experiences like this.  When we have the faith to be obedient, Heavenly Father blesses us! 

The last story but probably the funniest...  As a preface, I’m just going to netnaam (introduce) Thai Culture.  Everyone talks about being fat here.  The first thing people greet you with is oh you look fatter than last time or skinnier.  Old grandmas come up to you in grocery stores and grab the fat on your arms and start talking about it, etc.  Anyway, everyone hates it but everyone does it.  LOL  So on Tuesday we were teaching our investigator-family and we were reading in the Book of Mormon and started talking about how God love all of his children.  The Dad, bay starts talking about how we’re always changing but God is the same.  He loves us. Then Sister Gung (who's heavier by Thai standards) turns, puts her arms on my companions and mine legs and says, “yeah and he love all sizes too.”   LOL So rang maag (ouch!)  It was really funny!  A lot of things Thai people say would be offensive in English but they’re just funny in Thai.  Well at least they understand God's never changing love!  Only in Thailand :)

Love, Sister Peterson

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