Sunday, December 8, 2013

Week 7 in Thailand

Hello everybody! Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
My district celebrated by going out for pizza at lunch which is sad in comparison to the traditional feast, but this has by far been the best Thanksgiving Holiday of my life!  Our branch had a Thanksgiving party on Wednesday.  My companion and I made a Pumpkin Pie and we had two investigators come which was so awesome!  
I would definitely say the crowning moment was on Thursday when our investigator Daa bore her testimony about Heavenly Father answering her prayers during our lesson.  She is so amazing and prepared for this gospel.  The more Sister Mullen and I teach her the more I realize that the Lord prepare people to receive his gospel and that as missionaries, we are basically just traffic directors showing people where they can find it.
So at our training meeting in Chang Mai last week really focused on the Book of Mormon and how it’s the keystone of our religion, jing jing (literally).  As my companion and I have been helping our investigators start reading and understanding the Book of Mormon and how it can bless their lives, I've seen their testimonies blossom.  Which brings me to the most exciting news of the week, we had three investigators at church yesterday!  My companion and I have been praying for a family to teach for a while and a couple weeks ago we began teaching Sister Guung and her family and yesterday they came to church for the first time!  They are such a sweet family!  They live really far away its like a forty five minute bike ride but I always really look forward to teaching them!  As we've focused on the Book of Mormon with their family I've realized how important this book is to the world and how important it is in my own life.

The Book of Mormon teaches me daily and every time I read it, I learn so much about everything but especially how much my Father in Heaven loves me.  As I read the Book of Mormon in Thai, I obviously understand less of what its saying but I understand more and more the power that comes from studying from it.  The last big change in my life this week was receiving our missionary reflector vests.  J  At first glance I may have not been excited to wear them but I now realize they are actually really cool, safe, and get people to notice us when we ride our bikes!  So, Mom and Dad, you don't have to worry about me biking anymore.  J 

Well Everyone, have a great week and I Love and miss you all!

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