Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Week Seven:

This week was amazing.  I had the opportunity to sing in the Sister Missionary choir at the Conference Center!  When they told us President Monson was speaking, I was so excited!  The whole experience was very surreal.  Our choir director, during rehearsal, taught us how to cry and not look like a mess.  She explained that if you try to choke back tears they will just end up running down your nose, which isn't very pretty.  If you rapidly blink them away, they role down your cheeks, like in a movies.  I didn’t understand why at first they were teaching us this because I’ve never cried in a song before, but when we were singing the spirit was like ten times stronger then during our practices and about half of us were crying (me included)…but you couldn't tell because of our crying training, LOL.
President Monson talked right before our final song and I’ve never felt so inspired in my life.  I know with all my heart the Relief Society is a divine organization filled with amazing women of all ages and nationalities and I felt very humbled and blessed to have the opportunity to sing for them.  
It was really nice to leave the MTC for awhile...I realized I hadn't been in a car for a while because the minute we passed BYU campus in the bus, I was car sick.  J  I don't know what I'm going to do on a 18 hour plane ride!  (She has done it before so I know she will be OK. Dale)  I'm so excited to go to Thailand but now that its closer, I'm also really sad to be leaving my teachers and parting ways with my district and companion.   :-(  
My companion and I hosted the new missionaries today for the first time.  It felt good to talk to Sisters who were just beginning their mission.  I’ve never been so excited for another person in my life!  I was so nervous coming into the MTC but reflecting back to my first day here, the minute I was in my class, serving the Lord, I knew I was where I needed to be.
I love my companion and my district and we've all become such good friends as we struggle to learn a Thai!  I showed two sisters around and both of them were pretty nervous and it felt good to be able to say with conviction that their time here was going to bless their lives and their respective missions.  I have a strong testimony of the importance of missionary work and I'm so happy to be apart of it!

Sister Marina Peterson

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